Windows XP Essential 2 Integrated Through May 3, NO CD-KEY
Completely up-to-date with Windows Updates as of today (May 5th, 2007)
No CD-Key Required
No Activation Required
Passes WGA every time which means you can download anything directly from Microsoft's website.
What's Removed:
All languages except English
Windows Messenger
Windows Tour
What's Added:
.NET Framework Versions 1.1 & 2 With All of Their Updates
Mircrosoft Visual C++ Runtimes
Microsoft Visual J#
Enhanced Control Panel
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack v2.01
DirectX v9.1.3
Flash Player v9.0.28
Windows Media Player 11
Internet Explorer 7
Firefox v2.0.3
ThumbView Lite 1.0 (Let's you view thumbnails of odd types of images, such as PSD's)
WinRar v3.7
Foxit v2.2 (For viewing PDF's)
UnDelete Plus v2.8 (Recover Lost Files)
Vista Drive Indicator (Adds a Meter to HDD Icons That Shows How Much Space is Free)
Numerous Tweaks to Registry to Enhance Usability
Multiple Context-Menu Additions (Right-Click Menu)
also included all programs needed to extract the .RAR file and to
burn the .ISO file (WinRAR v3.7 & MagicISO) If you already have them you
can speed up your download by deselecting those two programs.


Completely up-to-date with Windows Updates as of today (May 5th, 2007)
No CD-Key Required
No Activation Required
Passes WGA every time which means you can download anything directly from Microsoft's website.
What's Removed:
All languages except English
Windows Messenger
Windows Tour
What's Added:
.NET Framework Versions 1.1 & 2 With All of Their Updates
Mircrosoft Visual C++ Runtimes
Microsoft Visual J#
Enhanced Control Panel
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack v2.01
DirectX v9.1.3
Flash Player v9.0.28
Windows Media Player 11
Internet Explorer 7
Firefox v2.0.3
ThumbView Lite 1.0 (Let's you view thumbnails of odd types of images, such as PSD's)
WinRar v3.7
Foxit v2.2 (For viewing PDF's)
UnDelete Plus v2.8 (Recover Lost Files)
Vista Drive Indicator (Adds a Meter to HDD Icons That Shows How Much Space is Free)
Numerous Tweaks to Registry to Enhance Usability
Multiple Context-Menu Additions (Right-Click Menu)
also included all programs needed to extract the .RAR file and to
burn the .ISO file (WinRAR v3.7 & MagicISO) If you already have them you
can speed up your download by deselecting those two programs.


destul de dragut acest xp dar una din marole probleme este ca nu poti instala placa de sunet si driverele.
ReplyDeleteOare de aceea e essential si nu e professional?
Asta ma intreb eu....
=)) am mai auzito si pe asta...
ReplyDeleteauzi "destul de dragut acest xp dar una din marole probleme este ca nu poti instala placa de sunet si driverele.
Oare de aceea e essential si nu e professional?
Asta ma intreb eu....
nare legatura eu folosesc numa essentials si merge struna tot.
inca o chestie e win xp profesional sp2 , au denumit ei versiunea asta de profesional sp2 essential pt ca ei au modificato...